
HQText Core Component

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This is the core HQText component and is used to set all of the properties for the text that will be rendered. This component does not display any text in Unity. To display text another component is used, usually HQText (UGUI).


Property                            Type    Range    DefaultDescription
TextStringThe text to display.
Font Settings
    Font FamilyStringThe font use for the text in this component.
    Font FaceStringThe font face refers to the 'style' of the font. Bold, italic, etc.
    Font SizeFloat25.0The size in points of the text.
    Use MarkupBoolFalseYou can use markup to format the text in this component. See more about markup here.
    Text ColorColorBlackThe main color of the text.
Paragraph Settings
    Horizontal AlignmentEnumLeftWhere to place the text horizontally in the text box.
    Vertical AlignmentEnumTopWhere to place the text vertically in the text box.
    Line Spacing in PixelsFloat0.0How big to set the gap between lines. If it is 0, then it will ignore it.
Text Box Settings
    Auto PaddingBoolTrueWhether the padding should be calculated automatically. Set to false to manually enter padding values.
    Padding.LeftFloat0.0How much space there should be between the left side of the text area bounds and text.
    Padding.RightFloat0.0How much space there should be between the right side of the text area bounds and text.
    Padding.TopFloat0.0How much space there should be between the top side of the text area bounds and text.
    Padding.BottomFloat0.0How much space there should be between the bottom side of the text area bounds and text.
    Horizontal WrappingEnumWrapControls the text rendering when the text reaches the bounds of the text area. Options are:
Wrap - Wrap the text onto the next line.
Clip - Do not wrap the text, simply clip it to the bounds of the text box.
Expand - Show all the text even if it is beyond the bounds of the text area.
    Vertical WrappingEnumClipControls the text rendering when the text reaches the bounds of the text area. Options are:
Clip - Do not wrap the text, simply clip it to the bounds of the text box.
Expand - Show all the text even if it is beyond the bounds of the text area.
Control CharactersControl characters are special characters that change how the text is rendered but aren't visible themselves.
    Left to RightButtonLeft to right mark goes at the front of the string to determine directionality.
    Right to LeftButtonRight to left mark goes at the front of the string to determine directionality.
    Byte Order MarkButtonUse to break Arabic letters that should join without using a space.
    Arabic Letter MarkButtonAn Arabic letter mark to fool the system into thinking that there is an Arabic letter - often placed before number sequences without Arabic that should be Bidi'd to RTL.
    Left to Right MarkButtonLeft to right mark control character meant to distinguish a piece of text from its surroundings.
    Right to Left MarkButtonRight to Left mark control character meant to distinguish a piece of text from its surroundings.
    End Directional IsolateButtonEnd Directional Isolate section.
    New LineButtonAdds a line break.
    Font BackendEnumFreeTypeThe font rendering system to use internally. Options are:
FreeType - FreeType is an open-source library for rendering fonts.
Win32 - Uses the native Windows font renderer.
    Auto DirectionBoolTrueIf true, the direction of the text will be calculated automatically based on the content. English, for instance, will be left-to-right, while Hebrew and Arabic characters will be right-to-left.
    JustifyBoolFalseIf true, each line will stretch to fill the whitespace.
    Resolution MultiplierFloat1.0Multiply the resolution by this factor to supersample the text.