
TrailEffect Component


This component adds a visual trail effect to the UI object it is applied to.

WebGL Demo


Component Screenshot

Property                            TypeDetails
    LayersIntThe number of layers the trail has. More layers is more expensive. Default value is 16, range is [0..64].
    Damping FrontFloatThe rate at which the front of the trail catches up with the movement. Higher value results in a less laggy trail. Default value is 50, range is [0..250].
    Damping BackFloatThe rate at which the back of the trail catches up with the movement. Higher value results in a less laggy trail. Default value is 50, range is [0..250].
    Alpha CurveCurveOptional curve to control transparency. Transparency can also be controlled by the gradient property, but having this secondary control is useful when the gradient is animated but you still want to apply a static transparency falloff.
    Vertex ModifierEnumWhich vertex modifiers are used to calculate the trail motion. Options are:
Transforms - Only use transform modifications (translation, rotation, scale), this is the simplest. (DEFAULT)
Vertices - Only use vertex modifications.
TransformsAndVertices - Use both of the above, this is the most expensive.
    GradientGradientThe gradient colors used by the trail
    OffsetFloatThe offset applied to the gradient. The gradient will wrap using mirrored repeating.
    ScaleFloatThe scaling applied to the gradient. The gradient will wrap using mirrored repeating.
    Offset SpeedFloatThe animation speed for the offset property of the gradient. Allows easy simple scrolling animation without scripting. Set to zero for no animation.
    Show Trail OnlyBoolOnly show the trail, hide the original UI Graphic
    Blend ModeEnumWhich color blending mode to use to mix the original vertex colors with the gradient colors. Options are:
Source - Only use the original color, this ignores any trail gradient/alpha settings.
Replace - Ignore the original color and replace with the trail gradient/alpha settings.
Replace_Multiply - Same as Replace for RGB, but multiply the original alpha with the trail gradient alpha.
Multiply - Multiply the original color with the trail gradient/alpha settings. (DEFAULT)
Add_Multiply - Add the original color RGB to the gradient gradient, but multiply the alpha value.
    Trail Strength ModeEnumThe mode to use for fading out the trail when strength < 1.0. Options are:
Damping - Reduce damping so that when strength == 0.0 there is no lag in the trail.
Layers - Remove each layer, starting from the back so that when strength == 0 there are no layers visible.
FadeLayers - Same as Layers but with fading instead of a hard cut. (DEFAULT)
Fade - Fade the entire trail down at the same time.
    StrengthFloatStrength of the effect. Default value is 1.0, range is [0..1]


Add this component to any GameObject that contains a UI Graphic component (eg Text, Image, RawImage, etc). The object will now render with a trail that follows it as it moves.