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UIFX - Long Shadow Filter is available for download from the Unity Asset Store.

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Release Notes

3 September 2024 - Version 1.7.9


  • Added a handy new "Upgrade" button if the UIFX Bundle is not detected.


  • Various minor code improvements.
14 August 2024 - Version 1.7.8

Highlight: 🚀 Lots of Improvements for TextMeshPro Support!


  • Optimised FilterStackTextMeshPro to no longer render invisible filters to TextMeshPro (eg if Strength <= 0.0 or other parameters result in no rendering).
  • Optimised FilterStackTextMeshPro to reduce the number of RenderTextures in some cases.
  • FilterStackTextMeshPro editor on newer Unity versions now shows our custom Reorderablelist.
  • FilterStackTextMeshPro editor + button now shows list of filters.


  • Fixed bug where disabling TextmeshPro didn't stop FilterStackTextMeshPro rendering.
  • Fixed bug in FilterStackTextMeshPro when using "in-context" prefab editor and nothing would render.
  • Fixed FilterStackTextMeshPro editor where in older Unity versions empty filter slots woudln't be cleared cleanly.
  • Fixed a regression in FilterStackTextMeshPro editor where the filter list item selection was broken.
  • Fixed bug where scaling the font too small would cause error due to texture size of 0.0 in the Long Shadow Filter.
4 August 2024 - Version 1.7.7


  • FilterStackTextMeshPro now has toggle for quickly enabling/disabling filters and delayed attribute for font relative size.
  • FilterStackTextMeshPro has reduced memory usage in cases where second RenderTexture is not needed.


  • Fixed Reset() and OnValidate() sometimes not updating the rendering due frame caching optimisation.
28 July 2024 - Version 1.7.6


  • Fixed all effects and filters not restoring rendering when Canvas was disabled initially and then enabled.
18 July 2024 - Version 1.7.5


  • Filter Stack TextMeshPro has many quality of life improvements.
  • All UIFX filters now have helpful warning messages and solution buttons when used with TextMeshPro but without a FilterStackTextMeshPro component.
  • Added new UpdateOnTransform property to FilterStackTextMeshPro to prevent re-rendering caused by transforms which improves performance if you don't require re-rendering.


  • Changed TextMeshPro support to now read in vertices from the meshInfo.mesh instead of meshInfo.vertices which seems to work better with many other plugins that transform vertex positions.


  • Fixed bug with in-context Prefab Mode where UIFX filters wouldn't render.
1 July 2024 - Version 1.7.4


  • Filter Stack TextMeshPro now renders to a non-floating point texture format on Mobile devices resulting in a performance increase.
  • Demo scenes refactored and now use Prefabs.
  • Some refactoring and general code improvements


16 June 2024 - Version 1.7.3


  • Optimised shader ErodeDilate and DistanceMap shaders to have fewer variations (less memory, faster compile).
  • Added optimisation to call GenerateScreenRect() less often.
  • Removed some unnecessary GetComponent() calls.
  • Changed to more correct method to get parent Canvas.


6 June 2024 - Version 1.7.2


31 May 2024 - Version 1.7.1



24 May 2024 - Version 1.7.0


  • Added "Convert To Image" button to automatically bake all the filters into a texture and replace them with a RawImage component. This is a beta feature and must be enabled in UIFX preferences.


  • Fixed some compiler warnings.
10 May 2024 - Version 1.6.9


  • Added support for Canvas.vertexColorAlwaysGammaSpace for TextMeshPro rendering
  • Added support for TextMeshPro.tintAllSprites for TextMeshPro rendering


3 May 2024 - Version 1.6.8


  • Fixed incorrect rendering of filters when Graphic has user defined material
  • Fixed bug where Prefab view wouldn't render filters due to null Canvas
  • Fixed bug where changing hierarchy could use incorrect Canvas in filters
  • Fixed bug where undo could cause null exception in filters
  • Fixed Long Shadow Filter rendering artefacts when the Graphic had pixels on the edge of the RectTransform
30 April 2024 - Version 1.6.6


  • UIFX - Long Shadow Filter has new rendering mode DistanceMap which is significatly faster for very long shadows
  • UIFX - Long Shadow Filter Distance property can now be negative
  • Several optimisations for memory usage, code performance and garbage reduction


  • Fixed rare bug in filter rendering logic, where mid-frame dynamic font texture update would cause mesh regeneration, which would cause incorrect rendering due to optimisation that prevented multiple renders per-frame
24 April 2024 - Version 1.6.4


  • UIFX - Long Shadow Filter has new Step Size property
  • Text Mesh Pro text rendering is now pixel perfect in orthographic camera mode
  • Some minor script optimisations


  • Fixed Text Mesh Pro sprite rendering blend mode
20 April 2024 - Version 1.6.2


  • Clearer TextMeshPro filter rendering
  • All Strength property sliders improved to change color when activated
  • Shader code cleaned up
  • Tested with SoftMaskForUGUI


  • Fixed support for Mask/RectMask in all filters
  • Fixed TextMeshPro Drop Shadow edge artifact
  • Fixed null exception when adding filter to GameObject without Graphic component
16 April 2024 - Version 1.6.0


  • Massive performance improvements across all filters
  • Many TextMeshPro issues fixed and improvements


  • Eliminated redundant per-frame filter rendering
  • Added per-platform performance settings to allow lower pecision and downsampling to be used on some platforms
  • All property changes are now checked for changes and only trigger minimal rendering
  • Editor preview no longer renders every frame, now only when rendering changes


  • FilterStackTextMeshPro now ignores empty placeholder vertices and updates whenever camera/transform changes and has a handy dropdown of the filter list to make adding filters easier
  • More accurate projection matrix region calculations
  • World-space canvas support improved
  • Added support for SVGImage (part of com.unity.vectorgraphics) component and other UI components that have Graphic.useLegacyMeshGeneration enabled



  • Fixed TMP sprite rendering material
  • Fixed TMP rendering blurry due to not setting the ScreenParams
  • Fixed issue when no World Space camera was assigned, no defaults to Camera.main
  • ZTest shader mode now set via variable so Unity rendering can control it - previously was forcing ALWAYS
4 April 2024 - Version 1.5.6


  • TextMeshPro is now supported by all filter effects!!
  • Filters (Blur, Outline, Drop Shadow etc) now support TextMeshPro through the new component UIFX - TextMeshPro Filters. This component also alows easy filter reordering and supports TMP sprites and underlines.
  • New project preferences menu exposes plugin options
30 March 2024 - Version 1.5.4


  • Optimised Long Shadow filters to use less GPU memory and bandwidth
  • Some minor general code improvements


  • Fixed issue where filter wouldn't run when textures were too large, maximum texture size is now limited
  • Fixed bug where resolution-indepdenent scale would be calculated incorrectly sometimes
  • Fixed bug where enum property sometimes wouldn't be saved correctly
  • Fixed bug where changing the transform wouldn't cause the filter to re-render
19 March 2024 - Version 1.0.2


  • Added stereo render (VR) support thanks to PedroB.
  • Added new feature to preview filter in the Inspector and option to export to PNG image
  • Added new API method FilterBase.SaveToPNG() in to write filter output to PNG
  • Added new API method FilterBase.ResolveToTexture() to resolve filter output to RenderTexture
28 February 2024 - Version 1.0.0
  • First release