
Filter Stack (TextMeshPro) Component


This component allows the TextMeshPro - Text (UI) component to be rendered with multiple filter effects (eg Drop Shadow, Outline etc).

WebGL Demo


Component Screenshot

Property                            Type    Range    DefaultDescription
Apply To SpritesBoolTrueWhether to apply the filters to sprites.
Relative To Transform ScaleBoolFalseWhether to scale the filters relative to the trasnform scale. This only uses the the X component of the transform scale and so is only useful for scale that affects all 3 axes. When this is disabled the size values for filters (eg Size in the blur filter) will be in pixels, but with this enabled the pixel sizes will be scaled too.
Relative Font SizeFloat0.0The font size to use as a refernce when applying scaling to pixel effects relative to the font size. Setting this to zero will disable scaling based on font size.
Update On TransformBoolTrueWhen this is disabled any transformation (translation, rotation, scaling) will not cause the filter to re-render. This can improve performance as in many cases re-rendering is not necessary.
Render SpaceEnumCanvasWhich coordinate system use when rendering this filter. Options are:
Canvas: Render the filter before any transforms (scale/rotation/translation etc) are applied.
Screen: Render the filter after transforms have been applied. Read more about this property here.
FiltersListA list of image filters to apply, all deriving from the FilterBase class. The order can be changed by dragging the filters.


To use this component with TextMeshPro you first need to have the support for TextMeshPro enabled:

  1. Make sure TextMeshPro package is added to your project
  2. Go to the Edit > Project Preferences window and open the UIFX options, enabled TextMeshPro Support and press the Apply Changes button.

  3. Wait for the scripts to reload
  4. Close the Preferences window


Add this component to any GameObject that contains a UI TextMeshPro - Text (UI) component, then add your filter components (eg Drop Shadow, Outline) and assign them to the Filters list property.

Render Space

The RenderSpace property effectively controls whether the Graphic filter is applied before or after the Transform is applied. There are two options:

  • Canvas - This is the default mode for all filters. In this mode the filter is rendered to the Graphic before it is transformed into screen-space by the local Transform and by the Canvas. This means that any changes or animations to the transform (or it's parents) will not cause the filter to re-render (unless Canvas has per-pixel mode enabled), which is a performance benefit! This also means that when the Graphic is rotated, the filter will not be aware of this, so the filter will rotate as well. Imagine as drop-shadow effect.
  • Screen - This was the default mode before version 1.8.0 was released. In this mode the filter is rendered to the Graphic after it is transformed into screne-space. This means that any changes or animations to the transform (or it's parents) will cause the filter to re-render which can become expensive. It has the advantage that it is possible to do some screen-aware options, such as clamping the filter to the edges of the screen, or extending an edge to the edge of the screen (for example in the Frame Filter component)

A summary of the differences:

Adjusting transform causes filter re-renderNo (unless Canvas has per-pixel mode enabled)Yes



The namespace
using ChocDino.UIFX;

Adding Filters

Adding filters to FilterStackTextMeshPro
// Adding filters (NOTE: you have to reassign the Filters property)
var filterStack = GetComponent<FilterStackTextMeshPro>();
var filters = filterStack.Filters;
filterStack.Filters = filters;